Wednesday 19 January 2011


York can be a dull place for students. From lecture halls to over pretentious pubs, the surroundings at times seem anything but desirable.

Allow me, therefore, to introduce York University's only online magazine devoted entirely to the spiritual, sociable and sustainable herb that brings a smile to everyone's face.

Currently in the form of a blog, we hope to expand the magazine. Eventually this site will contain articles on different strands of cannabis; plenty of humour and viral videos; numerous film and music reviews; along with anything else that keeps the average stoner entertained.

Some of you may be thinking 'What's so great about cannabis?'

The enlightened gentlemen in the following video illustrates my point completely.

Please check the 'Guide' link at the top of the website. Hopefully this will help you get to grips with the site, even if you're high.

Now, excuse me while I light my spliff...

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