
Here's a quick guide to help you get what you want, when you want, on the Rolling Stoner website.

At the end of every post are a set of links in gold writing that look like this:

Clicking on one of these categories will take you to all the blog posts under that category. So if you select 'video', all blog posts containing videos will be shown.

The following is a list of category names and what they contain:

  • About:
    • Legalize It - Arguments and news regarding the legalization of cannabis, including both political and health issues
    • History - As the name implies, the history of weed. This includes its uses throughout the world and information on famous pot smokers
    • Help - Information for beginner smokers. Basic points on how to enjoy the high. Basically a page dedicated to chocolate and orange juice...
    • Rolling Stoner - News and info about the site and other projects by the Rolling Stoner team
  • News:
    • As the name implies, news relating to the wonderful world of weed
  • Local:
    • Weed - What to smoke, and what not to smoke. Contains reviews and experiences.
    • Munchies - What to eat, where to eat. How to satisfy the hunger.
    • High'd And Seek - The best places to visit in the local area when high. Where to smoke and what to see when stoned.
  • Culture:
    • Film and TV - Stoner film/TV reviews and news. Plus any other films or TV shows that take the cake when you're high
    • Music - Same as films but with music...
    • Literature - And yet again, the same as above but with literature
  • Humour:
    • Articles - By Rolling Stoner writers and others, these articles have one thing in common: they're worth reading when stoned
    • Videos - From hilarious anti-cannabis propaganda film clips to Katt Williams 'Weed' stand-up skit. 
    • Pictures -  Funny images and cartoons from all over the net. We find them so you don't have to.
    • Websites - Other websites that are bound to impress those of us that enjoy blazing up.

Well hope that clears things up.

Click here to decide which category to view.