Thursday 20 January 2011

Famous Stoners: Hassan-i-Sabbah

Fuck Assassins Creed. We're talking about the real deal here.

Hassan-i-Sabbah is known for being the founder and first Grand Master of the infamous Order of Assassins.

Ultimately responsible for the deaths of thousands of people including many scholars and nobles, the Assassins are recognized as one of the first terrorist organizations in history. Members of the Order would be willing to lose their life at any moment for the sake of one man. It is reported that in the presence of an Emir he was trying to impress, Sabbah ordered one of his members to death. Within seconds the member had killed himself. Bad-ass, right?

So why were his followers so hung up on looking hardcore in front of him and what relation does this man have to weed? Trust me here, his sword would have been the least of your worries.

It is rumoured that Sabbah would initiate his young assassins by drugging them with hashish. He would then have them kept in a garden flowing with wine and grant them a sumptuous feast served by virgins...(and you thought purple haze was 'good shit').

Afterwards the assassin would be withdrawn and told that the garden was paradise. Sabbah explained that the only way to return would be for the newly initiated assassin to follow Sabbah's orders to the end, even if it meant death.

Another interesting fact for you stoners is that the word assassin is derived from the Arabic name given to the order -hashshashin - which basically translates into 'potheads'.

It wasn't all about being a sword wielding Don Corleone though, between the ages of 7 to 17 Sabbah mastered numerous languages and intensely studied philosophy, astronomy and mathematics (the guy was crazy about geometry). He continued studying throughout his lifetime, spending countless hours amongst the books in his library.

Being the legend that he is, his last words before dying are said to have been 'Nothing is true, everything is permitted'.

So, in the name of Hassan-i-Sabbah, light up another joint.

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