Sunday 23 January 2011

Magic Smoke and Music: Nujabes

So you've lit a joint, smoked it graciously and decided you need to expand your mind beyond space and time. The DVD collection on your shelf looks like effort but your laptop is within reach. What should you listen to? My answer: Japanese Hip Hop.

Yeah, you heard me right.

Nujabes, who unfortunately for us passed away in a car accident recently, left behind a legacy of the most chilled music of recent times that's bound to get your mind tripping. Just look at the artwork alone on his albums:

I'm seeing puff the magic dragon...

Not only had Nujabes worked with some of Japan's leading musicians in hip hop (such as Shing02 - a brilliant artist in his own right), but this guy collaborated with many of the American Hip Hop scene (and I mean real hip hop) from CYNE to Apani B. However put this aside and you see the true genius of the man - his instrumental tunes. 

With Nujabes, listening to his piano melodies feels like hearing the piano for the first time. There's an air of innocence, a touch of nostalgia and it's fucking amazing when you're high. Smile at the apparent simplicity of his music but always comprehend the undeniable complexity. 

Now roll up another a joint whilst we link you up with one of his tracks. This one isn't an instrumental (you can find plenty on youtube), but a good reflection of his ability. Luv (Sic) part 3 featuring Shing02 from the album Modal Soul:

And you laughed when I said Japanese hip hop...

Nujabes (February 7,1974 - February 26, 2010) - Rest in peace.

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