Thursday 20 January 2011

Legalize it!

~Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn't the idea of making nature againt the law seem a bit..unnatural?~

::Disclaimer:: Let's get something straight here. Despite this website's blatant encouragement of the usage and celebration of cannabis we do not advocate making it your lifestyle. There is a clear and very important difference between enjoying the occasional spliff and the spliff getting the better of you...and we respect this.

So basically, we're going to get all political on you now and explain why cannabis should be legalized:

(it's as easy as... )
A is for AMSTERDAM- It's legal there, and there's no big uproar. In fact, I think you'd find the place quite chilled if you went there. Some might argue that it could encourage a stepping stone to other, harder drugs. We would reply that that is actually a load of rubbish. Intoxication is a person's choice completely. If the government were that worried about the health and well-being of people and wanted to mother them so much then why is

B is for BOOZE- legal?! Did you know that up to 90% of admissions into A&E on a Friday night are alcohol related? The NHS must spend quite a lot on that when you come to think of it and yet they haven't prohibited that. Instead they have chosen Cannabis which causes neither death, nor injury. What with all the

C is for CUTS- at the moment you'd think that the government would want to save on something so pointless as the policing, criminalising and arresting of us stoners. Oh and, by the way, have you ever actually heard of anyone getting arrested? So where does this money go? On trying to arrest these so-called "criminals"?! As Barack Obama said "the war on drugs has failed" because it is "expensive, counterproductive and it doesn't make sense." Damn right Obama, it doesn't make sense. What does make sense is people making decisions about their own life and not bowing down to this stupid law. LEGALIZE IT!

As far as we can see, the only dangers from occasionally smoking up are:

-your fridge not containing the necessary munchie satisfiers( especially at the end of term when the last dregs of your student loan might be more wisely spent on toilet paper rather than King-size pizzas...)

-No-one caring that you just had THE most profound thought ever whist high.

-Not remembering what THE most profound thought ever is. After ten seconds.

-Losing things when high (door keys and a sense of time can be especially hazardous).

-Trying extremely hard not laugh in the face of a sober person. But ultimately failing.

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