Monday 21 February 2011

Moving Pictures: Bored to Death

Literature. Film-noir. Pot.

Bored to Death is a stoner-noir comedy that follows the life of struggling writer and occasional pot smoking nice guy, Jonathon Ames (Jason Schwartzman). Dumped by his girlfriend for enjoying a smoke and constant wine drinking, Ames soon finds himself joining a website as an unlicensed private detective. 

Calls and clients follow, but there is always a good amount of marijuana to pass around with the cast also including Zach Galifianakis as Ray (love struck comic artist donating sperm to a lesbian couple) and Ted Danson as George (Ames' boss and womanising, weed loving editor of a New York magazine).

Stoners and easy goers will immediately relate to these characters and most will smile at pop culture references of both the high and low life in New York. Take a look at the trailer below (or click here for better quality):

The first two series have already had their run, but you can look out for Bored to Death on either Sky Atlantic or - more conveniently - the internet. HBO has also announced that the series will return for a third season some time this year.

So spark up and enjoy. Peace out.

Saturday 19 February 2011

Magic Smoke and Music: Jamiroquai

Everything is good..and green...

Once upon a time, when most current students were busy learning the difference between indica and sativa weed, Jamiroquai rocked the music scene. I suggest the next time Mary Jane pays a visit, you take a look back at the acid driven interplanetary vibes of a certain space cowboy and the rest of his band.

There is a perfect cosmic balance with Jamiroquai that hits all of the right notes. Trippy guitar chords, smooth jazz melodies and funky bass lines are enough to make you roll up another joint. Yet when all of this is merged together along with Jay Kay's deeply profound lyrics and unique voice, music and marijuana reach a new height. 

Each song has its own particular mood, yet one attitude rings throughout all albums - the feel good perspective on life. A good starting point for those stoners wishing to delve further would be the High Times: Singles 1992 - 2006 album, which (as the name implies) contains all of Jamiroquai's hits, including Virtual Insanity, Corner of the Earth and Feels Like it Should.

We hope Gillette don't get any ideas... 

Whether you're contemplating the beauty of nature, seeing the universe expand or questioning technology alongside reality - a joint and Jamiroquai set you up for the journey. 

Jamiroquai aren't limited to music. Their music videos are as breathtaking as their musical vision. In their world, furniture moves while defying the laws of physics and a future dystopia begins to look fun.

It's time for the Rolling Stoner magazine to leave you with a sample, and what would be better than a tune highlighting why so many of us roll up and smoke up. This one is called Space Cowboy from the album The Return of the Space Cowboy. You can find a higher quality video here, but without any further delays it's time to light another and enjoy:

See you when you get back.

Peace out.

Thursday 17 February 2011

To the Writers with the Lighters

That's right - Rolling Stoner Magazine is looking for writers to contribute to the blog. We expect them to be exceptionally stoned at all times.

Like a Rolling Stoner?

Check out the contact page at the top of the site for more information.

Peace out.

Saturday 29 January 2011

Munchies: B Henry's

Walking around York Uni campus when you're high feels like taking part in a really square theatre adaptation of Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. From gardens of green to schizophrenic ducks, the world becomes that little bit more enchanting.

When the munchies set in, what is that wandering stoner to do? There's always a cheap carton of orange juice and plenty of chocolate to be bought at either Your Shop or Costcutter. But take it that extra mile and make things truly magical for your taste buds. Appreciate the aesthetics of life and show some respect to the Shiva leaves. Toke your way over to B Henry's (Alcuin College's café/bar).

If you're blazed this picture should look perfectly aligned

There's cake and there's tea. There's a lot more too, but cake and tea hits the spot during these days of early spring.  The cost for a slice of home baked cake and cup of Earl Grey tea comes to just over £2.00, which seems reasonable when you're insanely hungry.

The café itself is built like a large conservatory, with big enough windows to catch the odd ray of sunshine. There is plenty of seating and B Henry's has a relaxing sophisticated air about it, which is brilliant when you discover that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively...

For those of you not feeling the notion of a somewhat Victorian munchies satisfier, the menu is varied enough with both hot and cold meals (hot meals served between 10am and 2pm).You can find the complete menu here.

So get yourself stoned and get yourself hungry. Don't worry about the time, leave that to the white rabbit. Have a seat in B Henry's and roll up another.

Cake. Tea. What else is there left to discuss?

I hear the Mad Hatter is doing a PhD in metaphysics

Peace out.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Pingu gets High

As all stoners know, Pingu is the shit when you're baked. But what if Pingu joined you for a smoking session?  The following clip is taken from an actual episode. Notice how Pingu experiences almost every effect of weed...

Supposedly he was going to babysit, but then he got high.

Sunday 23 January 2011

Magic Smoke and Music: Nujabes

So you've lit a joint, smoked it graciously and decided you need to expand your mind beyond space and time. The DVD collection on your shelf looks like effort but your laptop is within reach. What should you listen to? My answer: Japanese Hip Hop.

Yeah, you heard me right.

Nujabes, who unfortunately for us passed away in a car accident recently, left behind a legacy of the most chilled music of recent times that's bound to get your mind tripping. Just look at the artwork alone on his albums:

I'm seeing puff the magic dragon...

Not only had Nujabes worked with some of Japan's leading musicians in hip hop (such as Shing02 - a brilliant artist in his own right), but this guy collaborated with many of the American Hip Hop scene (and I mean real hip hop) from CYNE to Apani B. However put this aside and you see the true genius of the man - his instrumental tunes. 

With Nujabes, listening to his piano melodies feels like hearing the piano for the first time. There's an air of innocence, a touch of nostalgia and it's fucking amazing when you're high. Smile at the apparent simplicity of his music but always comprehend the undeniable complexity. 

Now roll up another a joint whilst we link you up with one of his tracks. This one isn't an instrumental (you can find plenty on youtube), but a good reflection of his ability. Luv (Sic) part 3 featuring Shing02 from the album Modal Soul:

And you laughed when I said Japanese hip hop...

Nujabes (February 7,1974 - February 26, 2010) - Rest in peace.

Friday 21 January 2011

Anti Cannabis Propaganda: 1935

Drugs are scary. Well most of them (barring booze and coffee apparently). What's even scarier is the hypocrisy of states that class cannabis as a dangerous substance, causing it to be illegal.

But forget the scary stuff for a moment, and lets look at the funny.

Here is a anti-cannabis propaganda sheet from 1935:

It seems that the average non-stoner needs pictures to understand a political point...

Well we have a just ONE picture for those of you who are undecided on the issue:

Spread the word. Spread the herb.

Peace out.